
AW & Sons Blog

Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.


Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.

What Is A Sewer Inspection?

September 16th, 2019|

A sewer inspection is conducted with a camera attached to a snake line. Its purpose is to dive deep into your sewage line to inspect the state of your sewer. It identifies any cracks, infiltration of tree roots, collapsed lines, clogs, and other hard-to-detect issues.  Sewer problems are often hard to find and diagnose. Traditionally, plumbers would be forced to perform inspections via excavations, which would be very invasive and disruptive to a home. With a camera sewer inspection, the investi [...]

How To Fix A Slow Bathtub Drain

August 27th, 2019|

Is your bathtub draining slowly? If you’re standing in inches of water as you take a shower, or you smell a foul odor from the drain, you likely have a backed up drain. In today’s post, we’re going to discuss what you can do about that.  Remove the strainer and stopper Some bathtubs will have a stopper but no strainer.  Clean out the debris Once the stopper is removed, you may notice there is something blocking the drain. It could be hair, dirt clumps, soap scum and other debris. Whatever it is, [...]

What Are The Benefits of A Remote Camera Inspection?

August 17th, 2019|

Drains and pipes of all kinds get clogged eventually. It could take years, but give it enough time, and you may find your pipes are working the way they once were. When they’re a problem with your plumbing, you want to get ahead of the issue before additional damages.  Thanks to modern technology, it’s easy to stay ahead of plumbing disasters. Waterproof camera equipment gives plumbers the “eyes” needed to see what’s really going on with your pipes and drains, and it does so without the need of [...]

How To Know If You Have A Plumbing Leak

July 23rd, 2019|

Live in your home long enough and it’s almost inevitable that you’ll have a leak eventually. Leaks are often obvious (e.g. water dripping from the ceiling), but other times, they’re unseen.  These unknown leaks can wreak damage to the home and cause your water bill to skyrocket. A leak is something you’ll want to take care of immediately.  How can you detect a leak when it’s not so obvious? In today’s blog post, we’re going to list a few telltale signs that can indicate a leak in the home.  Chec [...]

3 Facts You Should Know About Hydrojetting

July 10th, 2019|

Hydrojetting is one of the most powerful and dependable ways to clean pipes. Traditional methods of pipe cleaning were usually invasive, and often caused more issues than they solved. Hydrojetting can remove stubborn tree roots and deposits of food. It can eliminate the harsh odors from dirty drains. It can help your home’s plumbing return to normal.  If you’re still a bit unsure how hydrojetting can serve your home, we have 3 important facts you should know.  Hydrojetting can be used for latera [...]

Why You May Need A Sewer Line Repair

June 17th, 2019|

Your home is network of fixtures, drains and pipes, and all of them connect to one thing: The main sewer line. Over time, wear and tear can break down the sewer line, causing it to clog and even collapse. If your sewer line fails, so will the plumbing for the home, so it’s absolutely important that it remains in good shape. What causes a sewer line problem? And what are the signs of sewer line failure? This blog post will answer these questions. What Causes Sewer Line Issues? Severe Pipe Damage [...]

Common Shower Plumbing Issues

June 17th, 2019|

Taking a nice, hot shower is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It’s no surprise that shower issues can be one of the most frustrating plumbing problems. In today’s post, we’re going to list the common shower problems and what you can do to fix them. Weak Water Pressure Limescale often builds up in the shower head, leading to woefully weak water pressure. This can be an easy fix. Unscrew the shower head and soak it in a solution that breaks down the limescale (many people use white vinegar, as it [...]

What Is Hydro Jetting?

May 26th, 2019|

It’s almost inevitable that you’ll get something stuck in your drains at some point. Whether it’s hair, food, coagulated oil, or something else entirely, it can disrupt the plumbing and cause major issues to your pipes. For those tough clogs, we find hydro jetting to be one of the best solutions. But is it the best solution for your pipes? What Is Hydro Jetting? Hydro jetting is a method that uses a hose to shoot out high pressure water to remove the blockages within the pipe. Over time, your pi [...]

3 Secrets Plumbers Won’t Share

May 24th, 2019|

The average plumber, like any tradesman, will keep a few secrets from their customers. This is not due to malicious intent, but often due to the high amount of competition they face in their area.  But you, the client, should know a few things before you make the leap and hire your next plumber. In this post, we’re going to list the secrets you absolutely must know. Plumbers don’t need licenses to work. Before you hire any plumber, ask if they’re licensed. Unfortunately, it’s quite easy for peop [...]

When Should You Call a Plumber?

April 29th, 2019|

People have the habit of only calling the plumber when they’re faced with a major issue. We, on the other hand, recommend calling your local plumber throughout the year. Big repairs are typically needed when your systems are overlooked and are not properly maintained. By calling a plumber regularly, you increase the lifespan of your plumbing fixtures, and you’ll reduce the likelihood that you’ll need a big and costly repair. What are the common signs you need a plumber before you have a big issu [...]

The 3 Most Common Toilet Issues And How to Fix Them

April 7th, 2019|

The spring season is here, and with it comes warmer weather and good times. You may be inviting more guests to your home as you host parties and dinners. One of the most important things in the home is your bathroom— specifically, the toilets. Malfunctioning toilets are no fun, and they can be especially puzzling when you attempt to fix them. In today’s post, we’re going to list three of the most common toilet issues, and how they can be fixed. 1. A Weak Flush You flush the toilet…. and not much [...]

How Hyrdrojetting Can Unclog Your Sewage Line

March 22nd, 2019|

A clogged sewage line can wreak extensive damage inside a home. Though a clogged sewer is unseen, it can cause raw sewage to come from the drains, can backup the toilets, and can impair the home’s drainage and water systems. There are several ways to fix a clogged drains. Hydrojetting is one of the most effective. A blast of water at high pressure is delivered into the sewage lines to remove blockages and buildup. How It Works A nozzle is entered into the drain or pipes. The nozzle is self-prope [...]


Sed venenatis urna sit amet vulputate lobortis. Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam.


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